Saw Bombay Talkies.Just when I was getting a bit jaded about Bollywood, the film restored my faith.Great job by Karan, Dibakar, Zoya, Anurag
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) April 30, 2013
Not a single shot of Salman Khan in the parade of Bollywood Greats (Bombay Talkies)? His absence registered more than several presences!
— Shobhaa De (@DeShobhaa) April 27, 2013
Take a bow, Suresh Raina. Those lofted straight drives for six are so sweet, they should be made into a perfume. #IPL
— Alternative Cricket (@AltCricket) May 2, 2013
Instead of jingoist ire against Pak,we mustask why Indian govt abandoned its "secret soldiers" like Sarabjeet,Rohi, Surjeet #SarabjitSingh
— Sagarika Ghose (@sagarikaghose) May 2, 2013
I know this is arm chair tweeting, but do PWI play to a game plan? #IPL #PWI vs RCB
— Dhunji S. Wadia (@dhunji) May 2, 2013
Coalgate is all about the government mining its own business
— Madhavan Narayanan (@madversity) May 3, 2013
What I hate most about Twitter: finishing a good tweet, having -1 characters left, and then having to decide which grammar crime to commit.
— TED (@Laughbook) May 2, 2013
#AncientDialogues Adam: Kitne aadmi the? Eve: Ek.
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) May 3, 2013