Online smartphone brand Poco, has launched a titled ‘Life Tested’ to showcase the built and sturdiness of its recently launched Poco C31 smartphones. Conceptualised by DDB Mudra, the films aims to convey the message that the product is resistant to common but scary mishaps that could happen in everyday situations.
The films showcase how the smartphones are subjected to rigorous lab tests by scientists in controlled environments.
The first film begins with a man preparing a meal in his kitchen and simultaneously enjoying a cricket match on his Poco C31 phone, under extreme heat and humidity. The scientists, keeping an eye on the performance of the smartphone from the other side of the wall, ask him if his phone was still performing well and he signals to them with a thumbs up.
The second film features a lady bored of working from home. She starts grooving when the distant dance music starts unfolding into loud cheers, and accidentally drops her Poco C31. However, she and the scientists behind the wall are both relieved about there not being a single scratch.
Raghav Chitra, marketing lead, Poco, said, “While the Poco C31 comes with some great specs and delivers on performance, what we really wanted to bring the consumer’s attention to, was the fact that this phone has gone through several rounds of rigorous testing. The team at DDB took a leap from here and brought to life a very important insight, that for a smartphone to survive ideal conditions, just lab-testing won’t do. It has to be life-tested. And that’s what speaks volumes about this campaign.”
Saritha Rajgopal, creative director, DDB Mudra Group, said, “We’ve all seen ads of products being tested in labs, scientists asking you to buy them because they recommend it etc. But here we had the Poco C31 that was – yes, tested in labs, but for life. And that to us, made for a very interesting story. We imagined intellectual, serious scientists sitting in their labs, testing the phone in real life conditions, and getting a little carried away while in the process. So, we created a lab, brought in scientists, and got them to not just lab-test the phones, but life-test them. It was good fun!”
It unveiled its latest innovations at the Snap Partner Summit, including the latest generation of augmented reality (AR) glasses, setting the stage for creator empowerment.
In an exclusive chat with Campaign, the former FCB global partner reveals his future plans, reaffirming that he has retired from the agency and not from advertising, per se.
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