Havas Worldwide has appointed Nakul Sharma and Tirtha Ghosh as ECDs at its Gurgaon office. The duo move from McCann Erickson's Delhi office. They will head creative at the office along with Ravi Raghavendra, and will report to Satbir Singh, chief creative officer and managing partner, Havas Worldwide India.
On the appointments, Singh said, "We are now getting into an overdrive for growth and quality and building a team that will contribute to that effect. I had the lads on my radar for a while and am delighted to welcome them on board."
Sharma has worked with Bates, Grey and Leo Burnett in past assignments, while Ghosh has worked at Contract and Equus.
On the move, Sharma, said, "Havas has already got momentum behind it. We will push the envelope even further and help put some of the biggest brands in the country on an unprecedented roll."
Ghosh added, "Havas presents a brilliant launchpad for us to take an interesting set of accounts to the next level."