Ever wondered what an ideal day in the life of someone from advertising/marketing/media is? We're here to spill the beans on it in Campaign India's '24 hours with', feature which runs every Tuesday.
Name: Mithila Saraf
Job: CEO, Famous Innovations
Professional and personal mantra: Do what makes you feel fulfilled at the end of the day
8am: Wake up. (one of these days I hope to become one of those 5 am risers like tech CEOs... maybe if I spend more time on Twitter I will!)
8:30am: Gym. It is my favourite time of the day, it's my version of self-care. Not that I do much. I'm a light cardio and yoga kind of person, but these 30 minutes are absolutely sacrosanct for my sanity.
9am: Getting ready for work while watching the news. Yes, I still watch news the old school style - on television!
10am: Commute to office and 30 mins with my embarrassing music choices.
10:30am: Usually a virtual client meeting (I like to keep all my client meetings either first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening) and average about two a day.
Noon: Catch-up's across teams.
1pm: Lunch. I do intermittent fasting, so lunch time can be disturbed by none.
2pm: Internal reviews/brainstorms.
5:30pm: Last meeting of the day.
6:30pm: Email, WA, Slack and missed call check. Everyone knows they can expect a call back from me before 7pm.
7:30pm: Social time/personal time/informal team drinks/catching up with friends/family time/work on the things I enjoy the most with phone on DND.
9pm: Dinner.
10pm: Netflix/Podcast/book with phone on DND.
Midnight: I have already fallen asleep and don't know it.