Actor Siddhant Chaturvedi spoke with Campaign India at Goafest 2019 about brand endorsements, whether OTT and the digital world has helped actors like him, and how has Gully Boy elevated his career and more.
Watch an interview with the actor from Goafest 2019
Actor Siddhant Chaturvedi spoke with Campaign India at Goafest 2019 about brand endorsements, whether OTT and the digital world has helped actors like him, and how has Gully Boy elevated his career and more.
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Now in its third year, the brand’s Milk Bikis ads, featuring Pankaj Tripathi, champion equal parenting—but is it sparking change or just riding a trendy wave?
The campaign, crafted by ^ atom network, takes a fun route to showcase the home solutions brand’s value-for-money offerings.
Four Indian brands entered the global top 100 ranking.
Results of a survey by iCubesWire found that this indicates the growing need for a shift towards localised, community-driven marketing by brands in India.