Kajaria has rolled out a campaign featuring actors Akshay Kumar and Ranveer Singh. The campaign was conceptualised by 82.5 Communications, soon after the agency bagged the business.
In the film Kumar and Singh play the role of army men. The voice over reveals that the duo go about their jobs very differently, but unite when it comes to the country. Similarly, Kajaria puts in that much effort and works with that passion to tile the country.
Kapil Arora, CEO and co-chairperson, 82.5 Communications, said, "It is a matter of pride for 82.5 Communication to be chosen as partners to the iconic India-first brand - Kajaria. And what better way to kick off this partnership, than with a showstopper featuring the country’s top stars - Akshay Kumar and Ranveer Singh."
Anuraag Khandelwal, chief creative officer, 82.5 Communications, added, "Kajaria is a thoroughbred Indian brand. It’s a feeling of great joy and honour to partner with them. And what better way to do a Desh ki Mitti campaign than with two great stars coming together to open our innings with Kajaria!"
Chandana Agarwal, president - North and East, 82.5 Communications, said, "The fact that this iconic brand, Kajaria Tiles decided to trust us with a campaign of this scale is a testimony to the work that we have been doing for the last four years. We are very happy and proud of the win and the commercial that we have created that takes the platform of ‘Desh ki Mitti’ forward."