Winners of the Warc Awards for Asian Strategy 2022 have been announced. India bagged a total of seven wins, including a Grand Prix which went to Ogilvy and Wavemaker India for Cadbury Celebrations' 'Shah Rukh Khan - My Ad'.
Overall, two Grand Prix, two Gold, five Silver and seven Bronze awards were handed out.
FCB India along with its USA office bagged a Gold for Unaids' 'Unbox Me'.
DDB Mudra won two Silver awards. One was for the entry titled 'One Bite Closer to Equality' for McDonald's, and the other came for Stayfree's 'Bringing Men into Menstruation'.
The Womb won a Silver for Friends Adult Dry Pants' 'The Undie Army'. The agency also won a Bronze for Rupeek's 'Have You Ever Been Made to Feel Small'.
Interactive Avenues won Bronze for Honda Cars India's 'Honda wins India’s Regional Markets Using the Power of Mind Space'.