So used to owning gadgets that when I got my new glasses yesterday, for half a second my brain went "Where's the charging point?"
— Rohan (@mojorojo) January 29, 2015
Clients of social media agencies should read this clinical analysis of "real time marketing" on hashtag trending http://t.co/lWea68yPoq
— Gautam Ghosh (@GautamGhosh) January 30, 2015
How will Indian team #WontGiveItBack even after playing like this? We'll hold it with India Cements. ;)
— Abhishek Baxi (@baxiabhishek) January 30, 2015
Every year, @Leander gives us at least one new reason to believe why he is #India's greatest #tennis player. #AusOpen
— Malay Desai (@MalayD) January 30, 2015
A good way to remember #RKLaxman would be to commemorate his birthday (Oct 24) as a 'Freedom of Expression' day. @rameshsrivats @ajit_ranade
— Amit Paranjape (@aparanjape) January 26, 2015
RIP RK Laxman. Whenever there was humour, irony or satire to be extracted out of the mess we live in, You Said It.
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) January 26, 2015
27% bottled H2O in Bombay bromate levels higher than prescribed by WHO. That's it, we are all drinking wine fr now on pic.twitter.com/B4qFaVU5zz
— November Rain (@HanneliSlabber) January 28, 2015
Why is it that this Republic day, the hair stands once again?
— Mahesh Chauhan (@mashchauhan) January 26, 2015
What has this country done for Leander Paes compared to what he has done for this country?
— Swapan Seth (@swapanseth) January 30, 2015
I have no desire to read your open letter to anybody. Seal the damn thing.
— Ajay Gahlaut (@meajay) January 27, 2015
Mumbai's iconic CST railway station lit up for Republic Day! pic.twitter.com/LsDelA34Ne
— Lloyd Mathias (@LloydMathias) January 25, 2015