At the DMA ECHO awards recently held in San Francisco, OgilvyOne Mumbai was the only Indian agency to win a Gold. The award is for the ‘Yacht Blueprint’ mailer created for DHL Express India, which urged luxury yacht owners to consider DHL for their importing needs by sending them a blueprint of their very own yacht.
The agency also picked up a Leader Award for their entry ‘Number Game’ for IBM.
“What’s indeed a matter of pride for us is that we are consistently bettering ourselves”, said Vaishakhi Bharucha, senior creative director. “And what better place to do that than the Echo Awards. Gold seemed to be the next level for us. The team and I are thrilled we’ve made it there.”
Commenting on the win, Kunal Jeswani, President, OgilvyOne said, “With the Echo Gold win and the AME Interactive Gold win this year, OgilvyOne has won accolades at the highest international platforms for both Digital and Direct. And it’s getting better. Watch this space.”According to the website, “The DMA International ECHO Awards Competition honors the world's best direct marketing campaigns — campaigns that have raised the bar in terms of strategy, creativity and results.”
View the mailers below