
Mar 14, 2017

Do networks waste money with on-air promos?

The first part of a special series with Bharat Anand, the Henry R. Byers professor of business administration in the strategy unit at Harvard Business School, and the faculty chair of the HBX initiative

Mar 02, 2009

Monday Morning Gloom Buster: Stand up comedy

Never heard of this guy, but he’s good. Perhaps there’s a bit about American football that doesn’t quite strike a chord, but it’s worth a watch.And unlike Russell Peters, he’s not a filthy motor-mouth. Have fun, have a great beginning to the week.

Sep 10, 2008

Microsoft woos cool with latest Seinfeld commercial

The Microsoft campaign featuring its new brand ambassador Jerry Seinfeld and its founder and chairman Bill Gates is finally on air. The campaign has been created by Miami's Crispin, Porter + Bogusky. The idea of the campaign was to create a cool image for Microsoft vis-a-vis Apple.The film has received quite a lot of criticism as it shows Seinfeld trying on shoes with Gates in a discount shoe shop, while there is absolutely no mention of any specific Microsoft products in the conversation.