my weekend plan

Apr 24, 2010

Aditya Mehta's weekend plan

I’ve stopped making plans.There’s so much to do, so many places to be at, so many people to meet that I don’t want to promise anyone anything. And I don’t like to cancel plans and disappoint anyone, so I figured the best thing is to not make any plans in the first place. Rather I make plans at the last minute depending on my mood. I like the spontaneity and randomness of last minute plans.So like always I don’t have the weekend planned. But there’s lot of things I could do, like the following...

Apr 14, 2010

Abhijat Bharadwaj's weekend plan

My weekend plan? Well it’s quite simple. My parents are off to Aligarh and it’s GHAR KHAALI time which by the way is a momentous occasion. So what if I am past quarter life crisis and 26 years old, I still live at my parents' place but then you will not judge me on that after all there is a good chance that so do you!

Mar 23, 2010

My weekend plan: Ritesh Uttamchandani

I can't plan. Generally photographers are good planners. But not me. For me, plans are like that right turn you take two seconds after one gives anindicator for the left!Sigh. Anyway.Saturday morning will be way more hectic than the night. My bike has been threatening a complete shutdown since the past week and it needs a warm hug from Akbar The Great, my mechanic.

Mar 09, 2010

My weekend plan: Mansi Trivedi, Saatchi & Saatchi

Apologies for working in the advertising industry and yet stealing from Alicia Keys' song 'New York state of mind' but if we can name our film industry Bollywood, we are allowed to morph any international term to fit our needs, right?This weekend is meant to be special. Since I arrived in Mumbai, India, this is my first weekend dedicated to exploring the cultural muse that the city offers. I’ve spent the last couple of weekends either trying to shrug off the jet lag or trying not to miss bagels for breakfast.

Mar 01, 2010

My Weekend Plan: Prajato Guha Thakurta

Last weekend I had a weak end blast. Thanks to a fleck of gilawati kabab that I expertly prised out from the cavity in my left-upper molar with my tongue after a pitched 5-day battle and promptly swallowed. The rest of the weekend comprised primarily of reading back-of-pack copy of a number of bathroom products ranging from anti-dandruff shampoos to toilet bowl cleaners.

Feb 17, 2010

My Weekend Plan: Arjun Dutta

Careers, relationships, and weekends, three things I really avoid planning. They unplan themselves. I have a second tactic - fleeting possibilities. Have as many as you want, as you fancy. I, prefer having a lot of them. It’s less disappointing. This coming weekend for instance, holds a lot of fine possibilities.