helen edwards

Nov 09, 2016

Opinion: 'You're gonna die', so don't wait to make tough decisions for good

Reframing inaction as active, considered decision-making could help us make difficult changes sooner, contends the author

Jul 13, 2016

Marketers should wait 30 days before trying to make a mark

Desire to hit the ground strutting can get the better of marketers' judgment and humility, contends the author

Apr 30, 2015

Why ignorant newcomers can work wonders in marketing

The author wonders why every marketer wants his or her version of 'Dirt is good', when the answer could lie in their version of 'Washes whiter'

Feb 04, 2014

Helen Edwards: Why ruthless Ryanair has decided to start being nice to consumers

The key to success for dramatic turnarounds of damascene brands is in their strength of conviction, before and after the conversion