
Jun 21, 2021

Rin washes off the patriarchy with Bhavani Devi

Watch the film conceptualised by Ogilvy here

Jan 20, 2021

Sebamed allowed to advertise naming HUL brands

But the ads have to take out the reference to detergent bars

Jan 11, 2021

Bombay High Court orders Sebamed to take down campaign

Court states that Sebamed wasn't promoting its own products and discouraging HUL sales

Mar 03, 2010

Rin-Tide TVC: Much lather over whiteness

HUL's latest television commercial for Rin, which makes a direct dig at P&G's Tide detergent, has raised many eyebrows.The TVC makes a no-holds barred comparison between Rin and Tide Naturals, going on to claim that the latter is incompetent of fighting stains and providing whiteness like Rin.In case you haven't seen the TVC earlier, watch it here.