contagious communications

Jun 21, 2016

Cannes Lions 2016: Code of Creativity: 10-plus-year client-agency relationships win at twice the average rate

Razorfish's Daniel Bonner and Contagious Insider's Will Sansom revealed findings basis a study of 15 years' Lions-winning work

Jun 19, 2013

Cannes 2013: 'Good technology is not an excuse for a bad idea'; ‘Marketing now isn't just marketing’

Leo Burnett's James Kirkham and Contagious Communications' Paul Kemp Robertson took us through what technology has in store in the next five years: including Manflu 2.0, Haptic Hijack and Augmented Ally

Nov 10, 2011

Day 2 at Mumbai London Advertising Forum 2011

On the second day of MLFA 2011, Indian creative directors presented multiple flavours of culture imbibed in Indian advertising while UK production houses and VFX companies showcased their work to provide a better understanding of their offering

Apr 09, 2011

Goafest 2011: “Be more Silicon Valley, less Madison Avenue”

In his session on Day 2, Neeraj Nayar, president, Contagious Communications, spoke of the ways advertising can change