kiran khalaps blog

Sep 05, 2011

Kiran Khalap's Blog: Will you be advertising’s next Renaissance Wo/Man?

Kiran Khalap, co-founder, chlorophyll brand & communications consultancy, gives an example of someone he thinks could well be one

Aug 01, 2011

Kiran Khalap’s Blog: Aimee’s envelopes & the world’s most destructive four-letter word

Kiran Khalap, co-founder, chlorophyll brand & communications consultancy, finds a relationship between managing a family’s resources and that of our planet

May 02, 2011

Kiran Khalap's Blog: Is it really necessary to walk the talk in India?

Kiran Khalap, co-founder, chlorophyll brand & communications consultancy, wonders if there's something to be learnt for those in the business of brands from a saint of yore

Apr 04, 2011

Kiran Khalap’s Blog: Creative person or creative professional?

Kiran Khalap, co-founder, chlorophyll brand & communications consultancy, asks for 4 minutes 33 seconds of your time to help you analyse which of the two you are, and should be