viral video

Jun 18, 2010

MAK’s new TVC urges bikers to keep their engines young

When the brief for a new TVC for MAK 4T Plus lubricant came in to the Euro RSCG office two months ago, the team on the job decided to revisit a proposition the brand had used a few years years ago and then abandoned. “We felt that ‘Keeps your engine young’ is a very strong plank for a lubricant to take, and believed it was worth going back to,” said Nilesh Vaidya, executive creative director. The agency also chose to avoid highlighting any functional attribute of the product for this particular campaign.

Apr 23, 2010

Creativeland Asia’s new Frooti campaign attempts an Integrated route

Creativeland Asia has created a series of ads for Parle Agro’s Frooti, which will be breaking on air on Monday April 27. In a departure from a typical 30 second spot with a storyline or a narrative, the ads capture people’s reaction to giant sized props in the form of mangoes which suddenly appear on the streets, rolling down from above a slope.

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