reliance broadband

May 11, 2010

DDB Mudra pushes 'right here, right now' for Reliance Netconnect

Reliance Communications (RCom) has unveiled its latest advertising campaign for Reliance Netconnect Broadband+, its wireless internet connectivity service.DDB Mudra is the creative agency behind the campaign, while Mudra RADAR is the media agency. A TVC which is part of the campaign has already gone on air. Outdoor and digital media are also being used to amplify the creative idea.

Jul 27, 2009

Reliance Broadband+ pushes instant connectivity in launch campaign

Recently after Tata Photon+ released its launch campaign, the next wireless broadband service provider to come up with a campaign is Reliance. Created by Tribal DDB India, the campaign aims to appeal to consumers who wish to access the Internet from wherever they are.

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