kyoorius design yatra

Nov 03, 2008

Kyoorius Designyatra to launch Malaysian edition

Kyoorius Designyatra is traveling to Malaysia. To coincide with the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Kancil Awards Festival, the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents, Malaysia (AAAA) alongwith Kyoorius Exchange will present Kyoorius Designyatra 2008 in Malaysia. Kyoorius Designyatra in Malaysia is scheduled for November 13—14, 2008.

Sep 30, 2008

Kyoorius about Designyatra

Convergence was the theme at Kyoorius Designyatra 2008. It signalled the changing paradigms in the communications industry today. With design and branding agencies often crossing over into traditional agency domains and the latter getting involved in areas of corporate design and identity, the lines that defined the two are getting increasingly blurred.  Campaign India spent time, speaking to experts on the challenges before the industry today. Nicolas Roope, Poke, London

Sep 17, 2008

Sustainability is a big problem for design: Purohit

During the recently concluded Kyoorius Design Yatra 2008, Harsh Purohit of Cognito spoke about the biggest challenge facing the Indian design community: sustainability.

Sep 15, 2008

Company’s leadership is a powerful branding tool: Scott

Saffron’s Eric Scott likes to rattle off the names of the cities that he has visited in the last 30 days, which is likely to number an average of five in any given month, given that Saffron’s global creative director is used to traveling across the world for work. Madrid, New York, California, London, San Fransicsco and Dubai, to name a few. The creative head of Saffron began his session on day one of Kyoorius Yatra 2008 by talking about the meaning of the term branding as defined by the industry, at large.

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